Visitor Page 11

These pictures are from Zola, who wrote:

"Thank you so very much for your generous gingerbread house webpage! I had the idea to make a gingerbread house for my boyfriend for his Christmas present, but so many websites are just out there to make money selling the patterns! Thank you so much for all the tips and advice, and seeing other people's houses posted on your site really inspired me also! Everyone is impressed with the results!

I had purchased a tray to present it on but unfortunately I couldn't fit both "wings" on, so I made it a bit smaller...I'd already baked all the gingerbread pieces, but that didn't matter - it meant that the house could be presented on the coffee table with a bowl of gingerbread and left over lollies and chocolates - so if anyone was tempted to eat some house, they could eat the scraps instead!
Thanks once again-best wishes, Zola, Melbourne, Australia."

-Thank you Zola for your impressive contribution and for your kind words!


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